
Wednesday, 5 December 2018


I learnt at hockey is how to pass it and dribble with he ball with the hockey stick.
It was hard trying to pass the ball to our partners.
Next time I would like to try dodge professional people with the ball.

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Miranda Hot Pools

I like going to Miranda Hot Pools because I have never been there before.
The hardest thing at Miranda Hot Pools was the Pillow because it was slippery going to the top and that it keeps on going all over the place.
Next time I would like to try go up the pillow faster.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

SLJ Paying It Forward

Money, so they can buy some useful things like gardening things, clothes and food/Heaps of food that it would last for long and baby clothes.

But the clothes were winter clothes and summer clothes.

A electrical washing machine so they do't get tired of hand washing there clothes.

Image result for Olden day washing machines images
A phone so they can talk to family when they are far away and for emergency calls.

A Comfortable Bed because in the olden days I think there was only uncomfortable beds.

Some power so they can watch TV and charge there phones or devices.

A Television so they know whats coming or whats going to happen on the News.

Some shoes encase they on't cut there feet.

Socks to keep there feet warm.
Image result for Olden day Television images
Internet so they don't get bored on there phones.

Year supplies of water so they can keep clean and encase they get thirsty.

heaps of towels encase they get wet and for having a shower.

Car so they can travel faster instead of walking everywhere.

My Digital Christmas Tree

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Maraetai Beach - Story

Tuesday 16th October, 2018

The waves crashed together and I swam to shore. I was swimming to the shore and the shark was a baby shark lost and trying to find its parents. ‘Look there is a shark coming ‘.
We all ran up this big mountain. We saw some more sharks coming. Look there is another four sharks coming Two looked old and the other two looked like the baby sharks parents. ‘Come lets go hunt for some fish to get for the shark we went to the fish shop and bought some fish. The sharks looked hungry because they were eating heaps of fishes they swam away happily

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Mixing Substances

WALHT create a substance that is strong enough to make a structure.
This could be to accomodate animal or a group of people.
Or even hold up a fence post.

I learnt that the second experiment it dries out faster then the first experiment.
I found it hard mixing the second experiment because the stones.
Next time I would like to try make a structure made out of concrete.

Monday, 2 July 2018


We were learning how to do a small front support and a tuck sit.
I found it hard trying to do the front role and stand up doing the jump stop.
Next time I would like to learn how other people that go to gymnastics and do different moves that we do.

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Writing Characteristics.

We are learning about antagonist and protagonist.
I found it easy because we have charts with antagonist and protagonist. 
Next time I would like to learn some more personalities of other villains and hero's.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018


We are learning about First person and third person.
I found it easy doing third person because third person is about She and He.
Next time I would like to learn how to do second person.

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Samoan Language

We are learnt how to do a Samoan sasa.
I found it hard seeing Sylvia park doing the sasa. 
The first time I saw It looked hard doing the actions.
Next time I would like to learn how to do a Samoan haka.

Samoan Language

We are learning about Samoa because it is Samoan week.
I found it hard trying to find the highest mountain and to find the capital city and the place  would visit because there is heaps of amazing places to visit.
Next time I would like to learn more about Samoa and how to say can we play a game in Samoa.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Ko wai to hoa? Who is your friend

We are learning about Te Reo Maori every day on Monday morning's.
I found it hard because I did not understand the first time we learnt about Te Reo Maori.
Next time I would like to learn how to say Can You Help Me in Te Reo Maori.

We are learning how plants Grow.

We are learning about how plants grow.
We are learning what type of parts that plants have. 
The way they grow from a seed to a plant.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

!!!Keep your password Safe!!!

This unit remind me of the importance of making a strong password. This is really important for you.

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Learning about metaphors.

We have been learning about metaphor.s
A metaphor is a saying that explains something as something else.
I found metaphors tricky because I did not get it the first time I heard about it.
My favourite Metaphor is - He has a heart of gold.

Thursday, 15 March 2018

My Goals for Term 1

These are my Goals for Term 1.

Treaty poem

We have been learning about Treaty of Waitangi.
I know that the Maori chiefs signed the treaty of Waitangi on the February 6 1840.

LCS Rectangle - Comic Collage

We have been learning about comic collages.
We have been learning about kawa of care and looking after our chrome books.
This is easy because I remember doing it last year.

Friday, 9 March 2018

Touch Tournament game

I learnt to put the ball on the ground and pass.
I enjoyed running with the ball and having fun.
Next term I hope we have another touch or ripper tournament.

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

E1 census info

I was amazed at how many languages person spoke he can speak 4 and is learning 2 others.
I found out the students in our class con speak 7 languages and we are learning sign language.
We are learning about the Census.

Monday, 19 February 2018

Whanakitanga Garbage

 In Whanaakitanga we are learning how to do graphs about garbage. 
 We looked at the garbage in our rubbish bin. 
 We found out that there was more food waste than rubbish in the rubbish
 and think that we could do better.